duplicati ftp
duplicati ftp

FTP¶.DuplicaticanuseFTPserverstostorebackups.ThefollowingtargetURLformatscanbeused:ftp://hostname/folder.Options:--ftp-passive=false.If ...,2023年2月14日—TheFileZillaServerdoesshowmethattheconnectionwasabortedbyDuplicati(“425Errorwhiletransfering...



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Storage Providers

FTP¶. Duplicati can use FTP servers to store backups. The following target URL formats can be used: ftp://hostname/folder. Options: --ftp-passive = false. If ...

FTP "Test Connection" Fail When Folder Has Many Files

2023年2月14日 — The FileZilla Server does show me that the connection was aborted by Duplicati (“ 425 Error while transfering data: ECONNABORTED - Connection ...

Proxy Settings for FTP

2023年11月30日 — I'm currently using Duplicati for backups on a couple of my servers. One of my servers can directly access my FTP backup storage, ...

FTP vs FTP (Alternative)

2019年12月18日 — Can anyone tell me what is the difference between this two FTP options and which one is recommended? I tried to use and right now with ...

MacBook Duplicati MyBook2FTP

2023年11月20日 — Duplicati 2.07.1 runs on an MacBook (Sonoma 14.1.1 - M1) off a friend of mine. I can back-up local files to a remote FTP-server.

FTP stopped working after update

2023年6月8日 — I've been using Duplicati for years with no problems. After updating to I could no longer access my My Book Live nas ...

FTPES connection stopped working only on duplicati ...

2022年6月6日 — I know it appears like its Duplicati since other things work but FTP, SSH, etc are complex in weird issues that can show up. [Redacted link as ...

Can the system do backup from FTP to local , if not what ...

2023年3月24日 — no that's not possible, Duplicati is not a remote backup tool. If you can mount a remote file system you can try but it's not advisable because ...


Free backup software to store backups online with strong encryption. Works with FTP, SSH, WebDAV, OneDrive, Amazon S3, Google Drive and many others.


FTP¶.DuplicaticanuseFTPserverstostorebackups.ThefollowingtargetURLformatscanbeused:ftp://hostname/folder.Options:--ftp-passive=false.If ...,2023年2月14日—TheFileZillaServerdoesshowmethattheconnectionwasabortedbyDuplicati(“425Errorwhiletransferingdata:ECONNABORTED-Connection ...,2023年11月30日—I'mcurrentlyusingDuplicatiforbackupsonacoupleofmyservers.OneofmyserverscandirectlyaccessmyFTPbackupsto...